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Total War: WARHAMMER III - Malakai – Thrones of Decay

Steam Windows Mac Linux
The Malakai – Thrones of Decay pack introduces Malakai Makaisson, a new Legendary Lord for the Dwarfs, usable in both the Realm of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns.Embrace conflict and ingenuity w..
Release Date30.04.2024
Operating SystemsLinux
Operating SystemsMac OS
PEGI Rating+ 16
Operating SystemsWindows
GenresAction, Strategy



The Malakai – Thrones of Decay pack introduces Malakai Makaisson, a new Legendary Lord for the Dwarfs, usable in both the Realm of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns.

Embrace conflict and ingenuity with a new suite of Lords, Heroes, Units, and Mechanics to enhance your campaign roster on and off the battlefield. Malakai Makaisson brings unique campaign mechanics to the Dwarfs, with a brand-new objective in the Realm of Chaos independent from the Ursun storyline, plus new Units and Heroes to help them achieve total victory.

  • Seek a glorious death, reap the rewards, and test your latest innovations as Malakai Makaisson.
  • Bolster your units from the skies with the Spirit of Grungi, a mobile workshop and transport vessel.
  • Garagrim Ironfist, the War-mourner of Karak Kadrin and son of Ungrim Ironfist, joins Malakai as a Legendary Hero.
  • Improve your odds with 5 new Units, a Generic Lord, a Generic Hero, and a further 3 Regiments of Renown.


Having been ejected from the Engineer’s guild after a series of catastrophic malfunctions that cost the lives of many a Dwarf, Malakai Makaisson took the Slayer’s oath and continues to engineer grand machines to this day, assisted by his entourage of Slayers. One day, he hopes to overcome this shame by seeking a glorious death in battle, so at last he may be seen as a true inventor of incredible works, and a legend of his time.

With a fascination for creating grand machines, Malakai is a ranged support character, damaging from afar with his guns, bombs, artillery, and the most deranged of munitions to whittle down his opponents.

Malakai craves nigh-unwinnable battles and fights with mighty foes. As a Slayer, he seeks out these worthy combatants to atone for his sins, but as an Engineer, he sees it as an opportunity to learn new tricks, advance his equipment, and crush all that stand before him in the name of progress.

With Malakai’s Adventures, Makaisson aims to prove himself in combat, or die trying.

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